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7711 Hours:įor online Physics or Chemistry tutoring, please email your questions to: will receive a prompt response within our scheduled hours. Physical Science Videos Phone: (405) 682-1611, Ext.
Free tutoring services are also available, see posted schedule. Wile's suggestions for experiments in the front of his science books.In the PSC, located in Area 1D2/1E2 of the SEM Center near the entrance from parking lot A , students in such courses as Chemistry and Physics are provided opportunities to view lab videos and complete lab activities. If you are still puzzled, then please read (or read again) Dr. If your students used Exploring Creation with General Science last year, then they should know how to write the lab report, and, this year, the lab reports should be graded on a higher level. I could be wrong, but it is my opinion that a student should not have a permanent grade on their lab report until they understand how to do the lab report or, at least, not until the 3rd lab report. If your students have not written a lab report before, then you will have to teach them how to do it. Related: My XLS Lab Grader: Lab WU (XLS graders require YoungMinds subscription) Some If's and Then's I only want you to have more information about the different parts of a lab report so that you can better instruct your student about labs and possibly give them a lab critera sheet at the beginning of the school year. I was just kidding, I do not want to alarm you.
To further alarm you, I will direct you to download or print the pdf file named " Lab Notebook Guide" from this web page. By directing you to the sample lab report, I am not saying that your child must produce lab reports as detailed. Cheryl has included many (all?) of the different lab report parts in her sample lab report and by reading through it you can get a better idea about the different parts that could be included in a lab report. If you've not seen this yet, please see Lab Report Sample by Cheryl Randall. In Addition to Data and Summary (Analysis), Will you Require? For instance, some lab reports should have charts and/or diagrams along with the notes while other lab reports will not need this. Of course the next question is usually this: What should go into a lab report? While there are basic parts (student's name, the date, experiment #, data, and summary) that should always be a part of every lab report, how "Data" is presented in the report can vary. I'm making it sound difficult and I am sorry about that. Then evaluate the different parts based upon the criteria which you have already decided. The only way to do this fairly is to inform your student(s) (at the beginning of the year) what sorts of data and parts should or could be included in the lab reports. Basically, evaluate based on what is supposed to be in the lab write-up. After the experiment is finished, writes the summary on the next page in the notebook.Īnother frequently asked question is: How do I grade the lab write-up? That one is not as puzzling as you might think.

Records the data on the new page in the notebook.Student reads through the entire experiment.

You should find his instructions in the front of your book and they are also in the front part of the Solutions and Tests book. Wile's instructions for experiments under Student Notes > Experiments.